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The Michigan United Tandem Society (MUTS) is a loosely organized pack of Michigan tandem enthusiasts.  We are a friendly bunch whose barks are bigger than our bites!  We get together several times per year to bike, socialize, and above all EAT!  You do not need to be a member to ride with us.  You don't even need to be on a tandem! Join us for a ride and see what "fun on two wheels" is all about!

About Us

Learn about the fearless Top Dogs that lead this organization.

Find out about the MUTS Tour that is available each June and about additional opportunities to bike with other tandem enthusiasts. One being the Midwest Tandem Rally available each Labor Day Weekend

Events Calendar

Want to know when rides and other MUTS social events are happening? Then check out the calendar on this page!

Join the MUTS

Find the application to join the MUTS at the most reasonable rate anywhere!

MUTS Photos

Check out all the fun we have biking! Here you can find an archive of photos of past biking events.

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